According to Rolling Stone
magazine, sales of NEW vinyl albums continues to
grow. (This includes first-time releases and
re-issues of old LPs). It used to be that being
an audiophile meant devoting shelves and shelves
to your album collection. When you moved out of
your parents’ house, you hauled milk crates
filled with your music collection to your next
life. These days, many people get their music in
the form of downloads (a very bad idea). No
heavy boxes, but no fancy cover art or liner
notes, either. Thanks to the transportability of
the new digital media, people walk around with a
huge collection of music on their belt or in
their jacket pocket. But playing a vinyl
recording requires sitting down and focusing on
the sound. Plus there are limitations to digital
music, with a lot of dynamic compression used in
the mastering process and the file sizes are so
small a lot of data is lost. (The lower the
bitrate, the lower the audio bandwidth. A snare
drum sounds more like noise. The stereophony of
the sound is collapsed. Vinyl emulates guitars
and other stringed instruments perfectly,
especially the bass guitar). Digital is zeroes
and ones, any way you look at it. There's a
certain jaggedness to it. Vinyl wins every time
for its honesty. It's warmer, more soothing, and
easier on the ears. Lyor Cohen, chief of
recorded music at Warner Music Group, proclaims
that “vinyl will definitely outlast [digital
downloads] because of the resonance, the sound.
The quality is the closest to the way the
artist wants you to hear it.” The Beatles
“Abbey Road” LP was the top-selling vinyl album
in 2010. For physical record stores, which sell
71% of all LPs, vinyl is a lifeline even as
megastores like Tower Records and HMV have gone
the way of the 8-track. Labels are re-pressing older LPs
that were fan favorites, plus younger artists
are choosing to release on vinyl. Low-quality
mp3s are the main reason vinyl is enjoying a
renaissance. We at GOOD
MUSIC think this is a GOOD
TREND. To help you out, we're even selling a
good, affordable turntable that plugs into
your computer (see below). Check back here often
for select new offerings as they become
available and buy at least one of the
LPs we recommend!